Tooth Pain Mimicking the Need for a Root Canal

Tooth Pain Mimicking the Need for a Root Canal

March 1, 2020

Knowing whether you need a root canal is similar to figuring out whether you need a filling. In the early stages of the problem, it can be difficult to understand whether better oral hygiene efforts can resolve the issue or the need for dental work is essential. The reason for this is because several signs of a root canal can only be identified by a trained dentist.

The physical problem does not begin until the problem has reached advanced stages which are the reason why it is important to see your dentist regularly. However, if you fail to meet your dentist to have the problem detected you may have an infected tooth and a potential root canal on your hands.

Root canal therapy is provided to repair and save the teeth that have become infected, and badly decayed. When damages are caused to the pulp of the tooth which houses the blood vessels and nerves a need arises to remove them to clean the inside of the tooth and seal it.

If you suspect you have a problem with one or more teeth here are some signs that indicate you need a root canal for yourself.

Persistent Pain

One of the main indicators that something is wrong with the root of your tooth is persistent pain. If you are facing difficulties with normal activities like eating or drinking and feeling the pain you should be visiting your dentist as soon as possible. Your dentist may be practicing general dentistry but he or she can examine the aching tooth to determine if your blood vessels or nerves are inflamed because of infection. These types of infections can be fixed by antibiotics but your dentist may prefer to do a root canal to provide you relief.

Chipped or Cracked Tooth

Eating hard foods can chip or crack your teeth. Being involved in contact sports or having dental procedures earlier that went awry is another reason. If you have chipped or cracked tooth it can expose the nerves under the surface of the tooth leading to infections. An infection in the root of the tooth can enter the bloodstream and spread. Untreated infections require a root canal to prevent further pain and infection.

Sensitivity to Hot and Cold Temperatures

Tooth sensitivity is another common problem indicating you may need a root canal. If your tooth hurts when you have hot beverages like tea and coffee it can be considered as a problem. What begins as a dull ache can progress to intense pain. Cold beverages and foods can also cause pain if you have an infected tooth. When you consume ice cream and avoid crunching on one side of the mouth because of the painful tooth the damaged nerve endings and blood vessels can be blamed. Your dentist may decide a root canal is necessary to fix the problem with your sensitive teeth.

Swollen Gums

Swollen gums are often a sign of problems beneath their surface. Visiting your dentist with swollen gums will have you undergo an examination to determine whether any inflammation exists. Root canals may be suggested to fix the problem of swollen gums if they do not improve by themselves.

Deep Decay

If you have been neglecting a cavity for too long it would have spread down the nerve and the root of the tooth. This would indicate that deep decay has set in within the base of your tooth. In such cases brushing, flossing, rinsing and using mouthwash will not resolve the problem. The best option for you is to undergo a root canal to repair the tooth before it is fitted with a crown.

Dark Discoloration

Discolored teeth are often a result of poor dental hygiene, exposure to food and beverages that can stain the tooth enamel or nerve damage beneath the surface of the tooth. When blood vessel and nerve damage occurs it is generally the result of a damaged tooth root which won’t heal by itself. If you want relief from the pain and to prevent the contamination from spreading your dentist is the best professional to accomplish the objective.

If you suspect that you have an issue with your teeth that can only be resolved with a root canal you should not be panicking. Root canals are quite common and are not painful or scary as imagined. If your dentist is unable to manage the procedure he or she may refer you to an endodontics specialist who will ensure the treatment is provided painlessly with the help of modern anesthetics to make your teeth healthy again.

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