Our teeth grow and develop in stages. The first set of teeth are incisors (which emerge at age seven), followed by canines, premolars, and molars (both of with erupt at age 12). The last set of teeth is the wisdom teeth which come out between ages 17 and 25.
Interestingly, not everyone develops these last molars. In some people, the molars emerge perfectly and don’t cause any pain or harm to the dental structure—although they need constant monitoring by the dentist to ensure they don’t cause other dental problems.
However, often the wisdom teeth emerge improperly. Either they erupt partially, or they get impacted beneath the jaw. Regardless of how they emerge, these wisdom teeth are a source of great pain and need to be extracted. Here are five facts to know about wisdom teeth extraction.
1. Wisdom Teeth Extraction is Done When Necessary
Wisdom teeth extraction has become a normal and standard dental procedure with many dental clinics recommending it. However, the removal process is done when necessary. Sometimes, the four molars (two on the upper and lower jaw) emerge and fit properly in the mouth, hence removing the teeth is not necessary.
The wisdom teeth are removed if they are impacted and cause problems such as jaw damage, inflammation, sinuses, dental cavities, and gum infections.
2. The Extraction Procedure Isn’t Painful.
The wisdom teeth extraction is done as an outpatient procedure, meaning you can go home on the same day. Though many think the procedure is painful, it is not as the dentist uses dental sedation depending on your pain threshold.
3. Expect Pain and Discomfort After the Teeth Are Extracted
There is no pain during the extraction process, but you will experience discomfort and pain after the teeth are pulled. Furthermore, there will be bleeding for a few hours, but it can be controlled with a gauze pad or tea bags. If the bleeding does not slow down, it is crucial to visit the dentist for an assessment and treatment.
4. There are A few Complications.
Wisdom teeth extraction is a successful procedure, but a few problems may develop, including:
Paresthesia, though rare, can occur when your nerves get bruised or damaged during the procedure. After a few months, the numbness resolves, but speak to the dentist on how to address the problem.
Dry socket develops after the blood clot breaks exposing the socket. After the teeth are extracted, blood clots develop to facilitate healing. But, due to factors such as drinking with a straw, the clot can break. Without the blood clot, the healing of the gums may take longer.
Dry socket causes other problems like bad breath and pain. Contact the dentist if you experience discomfort. He will clean the affected location and use dressing over it to promote healing.
5. Home Care is Essential
It is essential to care for your gums to facilitate healing and prevent infections. The dentist will give you instructions on how to clean the area.
If you experience pain and swelling, visit Quad Dental Clinic. Our dentist will assess your dental health and determine if your teeth need an extraction.