Do you which orthodontic treatment is best to move your teeth to the desired positions? Below is a comparison between invisible aligners and traditional braces.
Crooked or misaligned teeth affect your bite and smile. To move the teeth to the desired positions, your dentist might recommend orthodontic treatments. For severely crooked teeth, the dentist might recommend surgery.
When you seek orthodontic treatments for crooked teeth, your dentist might recommend invisible aligners or traditional braces. If you are looking forward to moving your crooked or misaligned teeth, you might have some questions.
Some factors you would want to consider when seeking treatments for your misaligned teeth include treatment timeline, effectiveness, and comfort. However, in the end, everyone wants a treatment option that works for them. Below is how the two orthodontic options compare.
Each of the orthodontic treatments is suitable, depending on your condition and concerns. Therefore, when you seek orthodontic treatments, the dentist will examine your teeth and listen to your concerns before developing your treatment plan.
Below is how the Invisalign treatments differ from traditional braces:
When getting invisible aligners, the dentist will check your teeth to ensure they are suitable for you. Next, the dentist will create dental impressions on how your teeth will move to the desired position. When your choose invisible aligners, the dentist will give out sets of aligners to move your teeth to a point and change to others.
On the other hand, when getting traditional braces, your dentist will examine your teeth first before recommending braces. If you are fit to get dental braces, your dentist will get measurements for your dental braces. Once you get dental braces, your dentist will recommend follow-up appointments.
During the weekly visits, your dentist adjusts the wire brackets to move your teeth. Unlike traditional braces, your dentist will recommend a visit to check the progress of the treatment if you have invisible aligners.
The effectiveness of your treatments depends on the condition of your teeth. Therefore, for mild and moderate, and mild crookedness, the dentist might recommend Invisalign treatments. If you have moderate to severely crooked teeth, the dentist might recommend traditional braces.
However, the above orthodontic treatments might not be effective for some severely crooked teeth. Instead, the dentist will recommend surgery to align the severely crooked teeth.
When choosing an orthodontic treatment, comfort might be on your list of concerns. If you are looking for a comfortable orthodontia option, you can consider clear aligners. Clear aligners are not likely to cause irritation or discomfort on your gums, unlike the metal brackets.
Also, the clear aligners are removable. Therefore, you can enjoy all your favorite foods. When wearing metal braces, food particles get stuck between the wire brackets, causing discomfort.
Consistent Movement
When you have dental braces bonded to your teeth, you get to enjoy consistency in your treatments. Since traditional braces are not removable, they move the teeth towards the desired positions at all times.
On the other hand, when you remove your clear aligners, they lack consistency in moving your teeth to the desired positions. Since invisible aligners are removable, they might fall. Therefore, breaking the consistency of the treatment.
Oral Hygiene
When getting orthodontic treatments, consider one that will not hinder your oral hygiene practices. You might be at risk of developing dental problems such as tooth decay and gum infections if you don’t brush your teeth properly.
Therefore, you can choose clear aligners since they are removable. On the other hand, if you have traditional braces, you might not be able to reach some sites on your teeth.
Each orthodontic treatment option has its own merits and demerits. Therefore, when you seek treatments to move your teeth, you should consult your dentist first.
The dentist will examine your teeth and listen to your concerns and advise you accordingly. Your dentist will then recommend an orthodontic treatment, depending on your condition and concerns.
If the treatment timeline is your concern, your dentist will recommend the orthodontic treatment option, depending on your condition. If you have severely crooked teeth, it will take longer to move your teeth than the mildly misaligned ones.
Do you have misaligned or crooked teeth and looking for orthodontics near you? If so, you can consider visiting our dental office at Quad Dental for treatments.