What Are the Effects of Polishing and Tooth Bleaching

What Are the Effects of Polishing and Tooth Bleaching

December 1, 2020

We can all agree that the first time we meet new people we consciously or subconsciously notice their smile first. Likewise, people tend to hide their lips behind their hands when they laugh. For some reason, it happens that such people are so conscious about their smiles or laughter

There are two apparent reasons one may be conscious about their smile or laughter, namely crooked teeth and discolored teeth.

We can easily repair crooked teeth using braces or invasive procedures like dental implants in North York. Discolored teeth, however, are easier to treat using teeth whitening procedures.

What Teeth Whitening Options do you Have?

Modern day Cosmetic Dentistry has made available many teeth whitening options that are safe for your teeth.

The general categories available are as stated below:

  • Professionally administered by your dentist
  • Products dispensed by the dentist to use at home
  • Over-the-Counter products acquired without insights from the dentist

Interested clients can choose the type of whitening methods best for them based on certain factors including:

  • The type of tooth discoloration
  • The cost of treatment involved
  • The method of treatment they prefer
  • Age
  • Dental history of the patient (regarding crowns and fillings)

Quad Dental specialist advises that you first discuss with your dentist the type of whitening procedure best for you before trying one. Your dentist best suggests a method fit for you according to your specific needs.

Note that the duration it takes for the whitening procedure to be safely complete greatly depends on the method used and type of discoloration on your teeth.

Side Effects

Regardless of whether the procedure was done by a dentist in the office, at home of using OTC medications, all these use a similar basic component, peroxide. Peroxide compounds have a bleaching effect on the enamel making your teeth whiter and brighter.

In-office treatment by a cosmetic dentist uses highly concentrated hydrogen peroxide to whiten discolored teeth.

Still, if you purchase teeth whitening products from drug stores without professional recommendation from your dentist, you might be risking your teeth.

It’s because these products use carbamide peroxide. It’s milder compared to hydrogen peroxide and that’s why it’s use is allowed without supervision from a dentist. This information seems frightening about the side effects of using OTC products but don’t fret! Teeth whitening is a routine procedure in cosmetic dentistry and is completely safe if done correctly.

The most prevalent side effects that rise from the use of peroxide-based products are tooth sensitivity and irritation of the soft tissue. Getting undesirable results is also considered a side effect of tooth whitening.

Tooth Sensitivity

Moments after the procedure, you may notice some sensitivity on your teeth. At times, it occurs even during the procedure. This arises due to the exposure of your teeth’s dentin layer to the peroxide during the whitening procedure.

It’s advisable to notify your dentist of any tooth sensitivity before you opt for a whitening procedure. This will help him advise you accordingly for the best whitening procedure according to your problem.

Your dentist might also recommend a number of whitening products you can use to alleviate the sensitivity during the whitening procedure.

Soft Tissue Irritation

Soft tissue irritation, also called a chemical burn, occurs when the whitening solution is exposed to the to the soft tissues in the mouth. These could be the gum tissue, tongue or cheeks.

When a chemical burn occurs, the gums or tissue that came into contact with the whitening solution immediately turns white. This is especially with the highly concentrated in-office treatment solution. They however turn back to normal after a short while so there is no need for alarm.

Inflammation and redness of affected areas by the whitening solution is also a common side effect of the whitening process.

Undesirable Results

The quality of results greatly depends on the original shade of the teeth. At times, you might not get the results you looked forward to. Heavily discolored teeth or teeth with internal tooth discoloration might not be affected by tooth bleaching agents.

Again, if you constantly use bleaching products on your teeth, you might notice a change in the color of your teeth. They may assume a gray or translucent hue and not the soft white shade everyone desires after whitening their teeth.

Additionally, note that whitening solutions don’t work on crowns, caps, tooth fillings and veneers.

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