5 Reasons to Know If You Need a Root Canal Treatment

5 Reasons to Know If You Need a Root Canal Treatment

January 1, 2022

A root canal treatment is done to stop the infection from spreading and also save the tooth that has become infected from extraction

Our teeth have an enamel layer, dentin, and a soft internal core that extends into the root in your jawbone. The nerve-rich dental pulp is found within the core. When infection penetrates the soft center, the pulp can become inflamed or infected. You will need to get a root canal near you to have the infected pulp removed.

What is Root Canal Treatment?

Root canal or endodontic treatment is a dental procedure to clear out infection from the inside of a tooth and save it from being extracted. It involves removing dead cells of pulp & cleaning nerve channels in root canals with special medicaments. A clean space within the hollowed root of the tooth then fills up using a medicated filling or block of inert material.

How Can You Tell You Need Root Canal Treatment?

The best way to know if you need a root canal is by visiting a dentist near you. If you experience any of the symptoms below, you may need an emergency root canal. The sooner your tooth is treated, the better its prognosis will likely be.

  1. Lingering pain

One of the indicators that you might require a root canal is persistent tooth pain. The discomfort in your tooth may persist for months, or it could come and go. A toothache that only hurts when you press your tongue against it is another sign that you have an abscess, and you need to contact your dentist as soon as possible.

  1. Persistent tooth sensitivity

Do you have aching teeth when you eat or drink something warm, such as soup or coffee? Or perhaps your tooth becomes sensitive when you consume ice cream or sip an icy glass of water. The sensitivity might be mild discomfort or severe agony. If the pain persists even after you cease eating or drinking, you should make an appointment with a dentist in North York.

  1. Tooth discoloration

When your pulp is infected, it may become discolored. Trauma to the tooth can harm the roots and give your tooth a dark appearance. Tooth pulps can die if there isn’t enough blood flow, which indicates that a root canal is required. Although tooth discoloration is not an indicator of pulp death, this discoloration can be a clue that a root canal might be necessary.

  1. Gum swelling

Abnormal swelling in and near the painful tooth may be a symptom of a need for a root canal. The swelling might come and go. It’s possible that it feels sore when you touch it or that it doesn’t feel painful to the touch. Root canal treatment may be necessary if the swelling is due to an infection.

  1. Cracked and chipped teeth

If bacteria get into your chipped or fractured tooth, they can cause an infection and inflammation. Bacteria may enter a chip or crack in your tooth because of an accident, sports activity, or by chewing on something hard. The nerve discomfort can be temporarily relieved with a root canal treatment. Root canal treatment can resolve inflammation and infection caused by breaks or chips in your tooth that may affect the bone, nerves, and surrounding tissues.

How is Root Canal Procedure Done?

Root canal procedure takes between one to two visits. Root canal surgery can be done in three sessions, though this is an exception rather than the rule.

Root canal treatment is done to prevent tooth pain and save the tooth from extraction. Root canal procedure includes shaping the root canals, disinfection of root canals, and the filling of the root canals. The dentist removes the diseased pulp from inside a tooth and cleans all membranes in root canals before filling them with an inert material. During root canal treatment, the dentist or endodontist removes pulp tissue from inside a tooth and cleans the inside of the root canals. Root canal treatment is usually performed under local anesthesia with sedation — an injection that relaxes you and you don’t feel pain during surgery. Root canal therapy should relieve your symptoms and prevent the future of the tooth.

What Can You Expect After a Root Canal Therapy?

Root canal treatment ensures a permanent cure for most toothaches and pain as long as you take care of your teeth after Root canal therapy. Sometimes Root canal therapy might be unsuccessful to treat your toothaches and pain. Root canal therapy may not work if you don’t take care of your teeth properly.

You may experience pain, soreness, numbness, and bleeding after the root canal treatment. However, these conditions will clear out in a few days using pain medications.

Schedule an Appointment

Visit Quad Dental for more information about root canal treatment.

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